Yesterday I saw one of the most beautiful sunsets I have ever seen. Thankfully I had my camera ready to catch the moment! So, I thought I would share a shot or two with you all. In addition to those I will post a few other photos for your consideration. These are all taken with my trusty Canon. Oh and in response to ThatGuy's quandary, yes I have gotten enlargements made on several of my photos and they enlarge quite well up to 8X10. I have not tried to do larger than that but I don't think I would have much problem going up a bit bigger. While I am on the subject of prints, I have to take a second to recommend a service to everyone. If you have not discovered and you are in to photography then you must go check them out. They are cheap and easy and they deliver the photos to you in the mail. They also do very high quality prints, especially when color is involved. I have been very happy with my orders so far and so have several people that I know who use shutterfly with great regularity. That being said here are some photos:

You have captured some of the most rich colors that I have witnessed. Fire in the sky creates a wonderful perspective with the clouds moving towards the sunset. It's unfortunate that White Hole became a little too washed out. Keep working at it (and maybe put up some B/W!)
Hi IMP :o)
The photos are absolutely beautiful.
Are the two sunset photos false-color images (i.e., did you use Photoshop or a similar program to alter or enhance the basic image)? They're absolutely stunning images either way; I was just curious.
-- Dana
Thanks for your comments! Dana, the only editing I did to the sunset photos was to up the brightness a bit. The colors are actually about what they really were. As I said, it was probably the most beautiful sunset I have ever seen. I might post the originals soon just to show the difference. I am interested to see if people are against photo manipulation. I figure, I took the picture so if I do something that makes it look even better then why not. There is something to be said for going natural too. I might be a bit too obsessed with filters for my own good!
Ian! you rock so hard. I love the photos, especially Neon. Why don't you put up both the natural and the touched photos sometimes? Like a before and after. That'd be cool, too.
I suppose the question becomes whether the art of photography is in the skill of using nothing but raw lighting and film to create the image, or rather is in the final image itself, the camera being just one of several tools available to the artist. I think there's something to be said for both, although the two approaches do require different skills. Either way, I'm very impressed -- my skills with a camera top out at not getting my thumb in the corner of the picture :-) I especially like White Hole, on a purely personal and emotional level (I know, I know...I'm a big science dork).
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