Sunday, January 21, 2007

A Few More Photos

Hello and welcome back. I have returned after a months absence due to illness, weddings, and other such things. I have a few new photos and some requested photos for your viewing pleasure. Most of these shots are a bit more experimental than my previous work and are therefore, in my opinion, not as polished. I will talk about each one individually as I go.

Harnessing the Sun

I took this pic the same day I took the amazing sunset picture that I showed last time. It is unedited, other than the fact that I used the Tungsten filter on my Camera. I really like the idea of having some kind of man made structure in my photos, because I enjoy the contrast between man and nature. Here is a perfect example of that mixture. A series of power lines, the source of our power, headed towards the Sun, the fundamental source of energy in nature. After I took that days photos and got a series of prints from Shutterfly, I began to realize that I had an unhealthy obsession with the color blue. I needed to move on and experiment with some other colorations and natural light.


Here is a sepia version of the above picture. I do not like it as much but it does create a rather interesting effect. I makes it look almost as if the whiteness is a tear in the sky, similar to the White Hole picture. Oh, there are several Untitled pictures in this set so please feel free to suggest titles.

So here is an unadulterated sky photo. I thought it was interesting that there was an almost perfect band between the clouds. Other than that however it is rather unremarkable.

The Tree (B/W Version)
At the request of a dear friend, you know who you are, I have begun to try my hand at some Black and White shots. I really like this version of The Tree. I felt it was almost as good as the color shot. I am a firm believer in color so I don't do much black and white. Perhaps there is more to be gleaned from a picture when the color is drained away, or perhaps it is just easier to focus on the details. For instance, please note that underneath the bottom right branch there is the small piece of chimney. Once again I have placed a tiny bit of humanity in an otherwise natural photo.

So here is a typical blur shot. The subject is obviously fire. I almost trashed this pic because I tried, unsuccessfully, for almost 30 minutes to capture a blur-less flame. My camera is not capable of it because I can't change the shutter speed enough. I stopped short of scraping the picture simply because there was something that caught my eye pleasantly. I am still not really sure what it is but I like the photo.

I have a few more that I want to put up, but That is all for now. I plan to place some of the original sunset pictures, some totally unfiltered shots, and another couple Black and whites.

As always I welcome your comments! I look forward to hearing from you!

Until next time!